
6 companies | 7 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{#each product.specData:i}} {{name}}: {{value}} {{#i!=(product.specData.length-1)}}
{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement4.length}}
{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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incremental encoder
incremental encoder
IE series

... drive solution. What is an incremental encoder? Encoders detect the rotary movement of a shaft. The rotation is divided into pulses of smaller or larger size depending on their resolution. An incremental ...

incremental encoder
incremental encoder
AE series

... FAULHABER, the encoders have an extremely compact design. Integrating them in drive results in either none or only minimal increase in the overall length. What is an absolute encoder? Unlike the incremental ...

aircraft encoder
aircraft encoder

Process temperature: -20 °C - 70 °C

The SSD120-35C-RS232 are all solid-state Altitude Encoders. These devices provide a rugged and reliable means of measuring air pressure and converting this measurement into the ICAO parallel data as set forth in the International ...

optical encoder
optical encoder

... competitive manufacturer of Optical Encoders to meet the market's demand for advanced switching technology. This advanced optical technology uses no mechanical contacts, reducing noise and eliminating contact bounce. ...

encoder for the aeronautical industry
encoder for the aeronautical industry

Length: 27, 28.7 mm

... Used to mount the Mini-Wheel encoder directly one a wedge. P/N: ENC1-BRACK [U8775120] Universal Holder (See below) Universal Holder Use the Universal Holder to attach the Mini-Wheel encoder ...

aircraft encoder
aircraft encoder

... cost-effective way get digital benefits from your analog cameras? The BX130 Encoder performs this task seamlessly. Save resources with quick and easy installation Our encoders are ONVIF compliant. ...

aircraft encoder
aircraft encoder
SAE 5-35

... systems into a single compact and reliable package. ALTITUDE ENCODING …The SAE5-35 performs the functions of an Altitude Encoder by providing Gillham Grey code to the aircraft’s mode C transponder. Innovative pressure ...

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