Rods polyimides

2 companies | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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plate polyimide
plate polyimide
Duratron® D7000 PI

Operating temperature: 230 °C - 425 °C

Duratron® PI (polyimide) stock shapes and direct formed parts are made from robust polyimide resins for demanding applications where exceptional thermal resistance, low wear and low friction, strength ...

rod polyimide
rod polyimide
Meldin® 6000

Length: 300 mm - 1,000 mm
Width: 300, 180 mm
Diameter: 80, 10.5 mm

Meldin® 6000 BEST Polyimide material solution in high temperature.

See the other products
rod polyimide
rod polyimide
Meldin® 7000

Length: 300 mm - 1,000 mm
Width: 300, 180 mm
Diameter: 80, 10.5 mm

BEST Polyimide material solution in extreme temperature.

See the other products
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