UAV launchers

6 companies | 8 products
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catapult drone launcher
catapult drone launcher
11 kJ

... maintenance schedule Can be factory customized for client's UAVs Portable Pneumatic Catapult features a rugged aluminium structure, which can be disassembled into a man-portable transportation case. UAV ...

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UAV Factory Ltd. Europe
catapult UAV launcher
catapult UAV launcher

... course to operate the pneumatic catapult launcher for all customers. UAV launcher technical specifications Maximum weight of the launched UAV (with a speed of 17 ...

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catapult UAV launcher
catapult UAV launcher

LAUNCH AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Launching and landing a fixed wing drone is challenging, particularly in poor weather or if there are obstacles in the area. Many drones are designed to handle very heavy ...

catapult drone launcher
catapult drone launcher

Features: Pneumatically driven piston design for consistent launches Versatile layout that allows for quick assisted take-offs and a fast turnaround time between flights Configurable for different airframes, in a variety of sizes and ...

UAV launcher
UAV launcher

Studies and manufacture of launch systems on bungee technology. Simplicity and ease. Ease of power adjustment. Ease of transport.

catapult drone launcher
catapult drone launcher

... first” was our moto when designing the ElevonX Scorpion elastic launcher. Every step of the launch procedure was thoroughly examined and appropriate safety measures built into the launcher or included ...

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