Luz de navegación Hermes
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luz de navegación
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de navegación
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Kit of 2 devices for the wings Navigation lights / Position lights / Strobe lights The Hermes product contains two lighting devices for the wingtips or your aircraft fairings : – a red navigation light with the position and strobe functions integrated – a green navigation light with the position and strobe functions integrated It can be installed on the following aircrafts types : flexwings, multi-axes, gyrocopters and helicopters. Hermes integrates synchronized and dissociable functions: navigation lights / position lights and strobe lights which guarantee a full flight safety. The brightness of the strobe function illuminates the sky with its 20,000 lumens and makes your aircraft (ULM / LSA / CNRA / CNSK) the most visible in the sky. Its optimized electronic design delivers a light output unrivaled on the market, with constant low power consumption and minimal weight.
* Los precios no incluyen impuestos, gastos de entrega ni derechos de exportación. Tampoco incluyen gastos de instalación o de puesta en marcha. Los precios se dan a título indicativo y pueden cambiar en función del país, del coste de las materias primas y de los tipos de cambio.