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Surveillance radar GABBIANO TS

surveillance radar
surveillance radar
surveillance radar
surveillance radar
surveillance radar
surveillance radar
surveillance radar
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surveillance, weather
on-board, ground-based
for drone


The latest generation of the Gabbiano Radar Family for sea, ground and air surveillance. Gabbiano TS Ultra-Light is a cost effective X-Band radar solution for 360° surveillance at sea, on land and along coastlines in all-weather conditions. Gabbiano TS Ultra-Light provides long range surveillance and small targets detection for civilian and military forces incorporating: • Homeland Security - including drug trafficking, smuggling, illegal immigration and terrorism • EEZ protection (e.g. Illegal fishing) • Maritime Patrolling and Search and Rescue operations • Environmental surveillance (oil and hazardous material spills, wild life protection) • Combat Search and Rescue Missions • Support to covert operations of Special Forces by day or night. Gabbiano TS Ultra-Light high level of modularity and flexibility allows for operation on-board Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as well as both fixed and rotary wing manned platforms. Three types of antenna group are in service, with 106cm and 80cm antenna plate (both with 360° Azimuth scan) and with 12” antenna plate (180° Azimuth scan).Two types of solid-state transmitters are in service, with 80W and 20W average power. KEY FEATURES • Low weight, low power consumption • LPI capability • TWS: > 200 targets • ECCM capabilities (frequency agility, jammer avoidance etc.) • Digital/programmable waveform generator • Short blind zone • High resolution modes • Maritime surveillance, up to 160NM • High reliability • Standard and flexible interfaces • Dual channel digital receiver.


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*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.