The PSV-500-3D Polytec 3D Scanning Vibrometer completes your vibration measurement tasks in research and product development in a reliable and precise way. The deflection shapes and Eigen modes detected help you with everything from NVH, acoustic and structurally dynamic issues to ultrasonic analyses, FEM validation and non-destructive testing. The PSV-500-3D Scanning Vibrometer conducts precise full-field measurements of the crosstalk between sensor elements, the propagation of surface waves in non-destructive materials testing or the development of integrated sensor networks for composite materials. It uses the data in both the time and the frequency domain to supply you with easily understandable images and animations.
Non-contact and full-field with FEM-like spatial resolution
Measure on tiny structures due to smallest laser spot
Measure through water and other transparent media
Machine vision tools for easy setup
Professional CAE interfaces for model validation
Advanced geometry handling for meaningful result presentation
Modal analysis featuring MIMO excitation and 8 input channels
With open interface, versatile software options and accessories
Expandable to fully automatic RoboVib® Structural Test Station
Since in-plane data and out-of-plane data are measured simultaneously, the PSV-500-3D allows you to conduct meaningful operational deflection shape analyses and to validate finite element simulation models – for frequencies from DC to 25 MHz and vibrational velocities of 0.01 µm/s to 30 m/s.