High sensitivity for phase noise measurements through cross-correlation
Simultaneous measurement of amplitude noise and phase noise
Frequency range from 1 MHz up to 50 GHz, 500 GHz with external mixers
High-end signal and spectrum analyzer and phase noise analyzer in a single box
Internal source for measuring residual phase noise, also on pulsed signals
Unrivaled low phase noise
The R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer and VCO tester features very high sensitivity thanks to extremely low-noise internal sources and cross-correlation. It can measure phase noise and amplitude noise in mere seconds on highly stable sources such as those in radar applications. Additional options such as pulsed signal measurements, residual phase noise (including pulsed) characterization and integrated high‑end signal and spectrum analysis make the R&S®FSWP a unique test instrument.
Fastest measurement speed
Save time and multiply measurement throughput
The internai sources of the R&S®FSWP allow measurement of highly sensitive oscillators such as DROs and OCXOs with a minimum number of cross-correlations, saving considérable time. The addition of hardware accelerated signal processing in the R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer enables real-time phase noise measurements. Short measurement time is key as it speeds up the process from development to manufacturing and increases production throughput.
Unrivaled sensitivity
Measure phase and amplitude noise with the highest sensitivity
The FSWP internai local oscillator surpasses almost any signal generator available on the market when it cornes to phase noise performance.