Short-field performance is where the STOL CH 701 aircraft truly excels: It is airborne in less than 120 feet of unprepared grass, or 90 feet of hard surface, at gross weight. Rotation is possible by the time full throttle setting is applied, and lift-off can begin at 25 mph (in ground effect, with no wind) – all within less than four seconds from stand still. Of course, any headwind shortens the time and distance required for take off.
The STOL CH 701 was not designed to be just another ‘pretty’ light aircraft, but was engineered to offer outstanding short take-off and landing performance, all-metal durability, and unparalleled ease of construction. With form following function, the STOL CH701 looks like a ‘Sky Jeep’, as it is often called by its owners.
Popular since 1986, there are hundreds of STOL CH 701 aircraft flying around the world! Not many of the more than 500 STOL CH 701’s flying today can be found at airports – most are operated from short off-airport grass fields, in backyard fields and in remote areas. The aircraft’s all-metal construction makes it suitable for continuous outdoor storage – providing their owners with continuous cost savings (no hanger or tie-down fees).
The STOL CH 701 offers comfortable two-place side-by-side seating in an ergonomically designed 40-inch wide cabin. The cabin interior is designed to provide comfort for two adults. Large doors on either side allow easy access to the cabin from both sides, and can be quickly removed.
A new optional single-piece formed acrylic bubble door is available to maximize cabin width. The door is hinged at the top and each door is domed 3 1/4″ (82 mm.) to provide maximum additional cabin space.