Self Trust
About Us
With an experience of 20 years in the conveyor industry, CITCOnveyors maintains the highest standards of quality and professionalism in this field.
CITCOnveyors, division of Self Trust Romania, The Romanian Conveyor Factory, addresses the International market.
Among the company values are competitiveness, flexibility, reliability and client-orientation because every effort is made to provide the best solution that fits the client.
With a large portfolio and a wide range of areas in which it has implemented projects, the most important solutions are in Airport Industry, Automotive Industry, and Logistics Industry.
Our values
CITCOnveyors products are always price competitive, supplying the best products with the best financial solutions.
Our extensive experience in the field of conveyor manufacturing recommends us as a potential supplier for a transport solution.
We are continuously testing and improving our solutions to obtain the best products.
Over the years we have reached at a certain level of standardisation but we can easily adapt our solution to the customers needs.
Ready for challenges
Our team at CITCOnveyors is always eager to tackle new challenges because we consider that this is the way of becoming the best in the business.
Client oriented
We put al our effort in supplying the best solutions that fits our client.
Over the years we have reached at a certain level of standardisation but this doesn't stop us from adapting and from delivering custom designed products.
Our mission is to become an example of quality and excelence on the European market, to work with the best suppliers, to surpass the expecations of our clients by delivering excelent quality products.