6 - 10 Pers. helicopters

7 companies | 16 products
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11 - 20 Pers. helicopter
11 - 20 Pers. helicopter

Max. take-off weight : 4,250 kg

... other missions. AC312E helicopter adopts the layout of single rotor and fenestron tail rotor. The maximum take-off weight is 4250kg. The minimum crew is one pilot. The maximum number of passenger seat is 13. The helicopter ...

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Aviation Industry Corporation Of China
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter

Cruise speed: 136 kt
Range: 629 km

The H125 (previously designated the AS350 B3e) outclasses all other single-engine helicopters for performance, versatility, low maintenance, and low acquisition costs, while also excelling in high-and-hot and extreme ...

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Airbus Helicopters
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter

... respond rapidly to incidents. The spacious cabin enables efficient patient care. Advanced technology and safety The helicopter combines technology and safety with a modular state-of-the-art Genesys Aerosystems glass ...

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Leonardo – Finmeccanica
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter

An IFR-certified platform with more than six million proven global flight hours, ready to handle your mission. Missions Public Safety Ready When Duty Calls Utility HEMS Corporate Armed Multi-Role Training Allowing parapublic ...

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3 - 5 Pers. helicopter
3 - 5 Pers. helicopter
S-76 series

... SAR, Airline and Helicopter Emergency Medical/Air Ambulance Services. Earlier versions of the S-76 helicopter include The S-76ATM and S-76A+TM helicopters (307 built), S-76BTM helicopter ...

6 - 10 Pers. helicopter
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter

The MD 902 Explorer is a multipurpose twin-engine helicopter that sets the standard in performance, affordability, dependability and safety for light and medium-twin engine helicopters. With operators ...

6 - 10 Pers. helicopter
6 - 10 Pers. helicopter

THE AW09 OFFERS TECHNOLOGIES, CABIN VOLUME AND PERFORMANCE OF A TWIN-ENGINE AT THE COST OF A SINGLE-ENGINE Positioned in the 2.5 metric ton class, the AW09 is the only single-engine product in the last four decades with an all-new design. ...

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