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- Aeronautical maintenance power supply
Aeronautical maintenance power supplies
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{{name}}: {{value}}
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Input voltage: 230 V
Output voltage: 220, 240, 208 V
power supply for parallel lighting circuits Certificate basis ICAO - AERODROME DESIGN MANUAL - Part 5 Description/Properties intended for use with lights of the series ML 121 HP and ML 124 H air-cooled ...

During lab tests of Safran civil aircraft engines, this cabinet is being used for engine power measurement.

Input voltage: 90 V - 264 V
Output voltage: 14, 28 V
Current: 6, 12, 30 A
Solid state lightweight power supply capable of supplying up to 30A at 14V DC or 28V DC for training, maintenance and software updates. 30A @ 14V DC/28V ...
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