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Runway light RELIANCE
for airport runwayLEDhalogen

runway light
runway light
runway light
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for airport runway
LED, halogen
Other characteristics
green, built-in, high-intensity
-Not Tr-

45 W, 65 W


A unidirectional elevated LED light fixture for runway threshold and threshold wing bar applications (green). RELIANCE LED fixtures can be equipped with our IQ built-in ILCMS remote, a unique building block for the intelligent airfield. Features and Benefits • RELIANCE™ unidirectional elevated light fixtures are available in three versions: - IQ with integrated ILCMS -Monitored with integrated fail-open technology - Non-Mon without monitoring functionality Efficiency • High-intensity • Use less than 50 W, with a Power Factor of 0.95, compared to incandescent fixtures that require 150 W or 200 W lamps. • Installation on same mounting device as most elevated halogen lights, for a straightforward replacement. • Leveling and aiming in azimuth of the light are easily performed with the dedicated aiming device. • Two opposite screws ensure easy and stable leveling. • Fully dimmable lights, respecting the response curve of traditional halogen lights. • Available in IQ 2A functionality for use in RELIANCE Intelligent Lighting (ILCMS) for further power savings and individual intensity control. Sustainability • Average MTBF of 56.000 hours at full-intensity and more than 200.000 hours under typical operating conditions, resulting in significant reduction of ongoing maintenance costs and periodic relamping expenses. • Low-profile and small in size to withstand heaviest jet blast, even when installed at threshold / runway end. • When quartz-incandescent fixtures are replaced with LED fixtures, airport staff can add more lights without increasing CCR size. • Limits cost for supporting equipment such as isolation transformers and CCRs to strict minimum.



*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.