Our top range pitot-static tester
The ADSE 746 caters fully to all aircraft types and the different electrical power supplies. It can be used for testing high performance civil and military aircraft, fixed and rotary wing. The multi-pressure outlets option can suit the more complex pilot-static systems.
This pitot static tester is designed primarily for flight line use to cover the testing of all barometric and manometric pressure instrument systems. The large touch screen display, with on-screen help, enables all checks to be carried out easily on the flight deck or in the cockpit, by a single operator. The test set is robust and housed in a mobile weatherproof case fitted with tire wheels. An attached bag contains the pressure hoses and electrical cables.
• Built-in pressure and vacuum pumps
• Liquid crystal color display with touch
• sensitive screen for operator instructions/help
• Remote control unit based on Windows
• CE tablet PC
• Complete self check of set before use
• High accuracy, high resolution
• RVSM compliant
• Programmable leak test
• Programmable flight envelope to protect
• equipment under test
• All four primary flight parameters displayed
• simultaneously
• Programmable (password write protected)
• test schedules
• Select pressure units: hPa; mb; in Hg; mmHg;
• ft; m; kts; km/h, ft/min; hm/min, Mach number
Designed for multiple Channel tests
The ADSE 746 has been specially designed to conduct tests on aircraft requiring more than one Ps, Pt or/and AoA channel to be tested simultaneously.