Laser ceilometers

6 companies | 10 products
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airport ceilometer
airport ceilometer
CHM 15k

... Sensor / Ceilometer CHM 15k The CHM 15k is a simple single-shaft backscatter Lidar cloud height sensor or ceilometer. Within its measuring range of up to 15 km, it reliably detects several cloud layers, ...

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airport ceilometer
airport ceilometer
CL series

Vaisala ceilometers accurately measure ceiling or base height of cloud layers, and they leverage pulsed diode lidar technology and single lens optics. They are engineered to deliver highly accurate data on multiple cloud ...

LIDAR ceilometer
LIDAR ceilometer

The Eliasson cloud ceilometer CBME80B is a compact and lightweight standalone instrument. It is used for measuring cloud base height and vertical visibility. The cloud ceilometer design is based on the ...

LIDAR ceilometer
LIDAR ceilometer

SkyVUE™8 8km Ceiling LIDAR Ceilometer Cloud measurement with state-of-the-art signal processing Overview The SkyVUE™8 LIDAR Ceilometer is ideal for measuring cloud base heights and vertical visibility ...

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airport ceilometer
airport ceilometer
3D ceilometer

... providing products customized to various environmental conditions, Raymetrics 3D Ceilometer provides increased safety and efficiency of air operations Why choose a 3D Ceilometer from Raymetrics? Provides ...

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airport ceilometer
airport ceilometer

The 8200-CHS ceilometer is a high specification single lens cloud sensor that is field proven to operate reliably even in the harshest of environments. Utilizing the latest ceilometer technology this ...

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