Obstacle Management
Obstacle management and identification
Imagine being able to identify and manage all obstacles in your safeguarding zone, in one easy to use end-to-end service. The Ascend Obstacle Management solution enables you to:
Identify obstacles
Register obstacles
Assess the impact
Publish obstacle data
1. Obstacle identification and inspection
Ground Identification
Create the obstacles published in your AIP in the Ascend service. Inspect the area and look for non-documented obstacles. You can assess obstacles using the Obstacle Assessment Solution and a ground-based laser measurement tool like the one shown below.
Airborne LiDAR data
Ascend can scan the area covered by your limitation surfaces identifying and classifying obstacles. This is done by comparing a surface model with the digital 3D model of your limitation surfaces. LiDAR is used to ensure the detection of all obstacles within the relevant area. LiDAR data, with a minimum 5-year life cycle, is recommended for ADQ compliance within the Annex 14 surfaces and ICAO Annex 15 area 2.
Satellite models
In areas where no public LiDAR/Elevation models are available, Ascend offers an alternative using the NextMap 5 elevation model, or WorldDEM elevation model generated from TerraSAR-X/Tandem-X data.
NextMap 5 is available in most areas within the +/-60◦ latitude. NextMap 5 has a vertical accuracy of 1,65m LE90 in most areas. This can vary in some areas and must be verified in these cases. WorldDEM is available worldwide, but the resolution is not as high as in Next5, and the vertical accuracy is lower.